Picture this: you’re carrying a backpack. It’s got everything you need for life’s journey. But over time, you’ve added some extra things—things you don’t even realize are weighing you down.
Now think about your habits like those extra things. Some are super helpful, but others? They’re just adding to the overwhelm.
Maybe it’s:
– Scrolling social media first thing in the morning, leaving you feeling drained before the day even begins.
– Saying “yes” to too many things, even when you’re running on empty.
– Pushing yourself to be productive 24/7 and feeling guilty for resting.
– Ignoring your own needs because you’re always putting everyone else first.
Auditing your habits is like unpacking that bag. You get to decide what to keep—like intentional morning routines or boundaries that protect your time—and what to let go of—like the guilt, over-commitment, or people-pleasing.
Inside the Membership, we do this together. We lighten the load, let go of outdated habits, and replace them with ones that bring more calm, clarity, and balance.
What’s one habit you’ve been meaning to rethink? I’d love to hear about it—and help you create something lighter and more freeing.