Imagine a tree comes from small seeds.
Now imagine managing your time all stems from changing daily habits.
You want to have more time, so start with auditing your daily habits.
“Audit your habits” means taking a closer, honest look at the habits you’ve developed to assess their impact on your life.
This involves identifying routines, actions, and behaviors you perform regularly, then evaluating whether they contribute positively or negatively to your goals, well-being, and values.
By auditing your habits, you can spot areas for improvement, reinforce helpful habits, and work on changing or replacing those that may hold you back.
The Key Point here is You want to have more time, so start with auditing your daily habits.
P.S. I’m opening a waitlist for my Grow Your Thinking membership soon! If you’re interested in diving deeper into personal growth and developing powerful habits for a more fulfilling life, click here to join the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.